Canadian Common Ground Alliance
Safe-Digging Month is rolling into high gear across Canada. This morning, the Alberta Common Ground Alliance held a media event to help promote public, worker and community safety.
Click HERE to read more about the event.
Start the 2013 Construction Season off on the right foot at the ABCGA's Annual Safety Conference March 5th in Lethbridge, Alberta.
The CCGA challenges our partners in safety to bring a friend, bring someone new and introduce them to the Alberta's damage prevention professionals who diligently work to protect the province's critical buried infrastructure, its integral and robust energy transportation system and our communities.
The Manitoba Common Ground Alliance will unveil Canada's first ever "Click" Before You Dig service next spring!
Please Click HERE for more information.
The CCGA responded to the National Energy Board's request for comments yesterday on the Board's proposed Administrative Monetary Penalties (AMPs).
Click HERE to read the CCGA's comments to the NEB and click HERE for further information on the National Energy Board's Proposed AMPs.
The CCGA sincerely appreciates the opportunity to collaborate with all buried utility stakeholders to further enhance the integrity of Canada's buried infrastructure.
Mr. Daryl Posehn has been appointed to the role of Executive Director.
Please click HERE for more information.
CSA Technical Committee Members, Bob Gaspirc & Laverne Hanley, are interviewed about CSA S250 - Mapping of Underground Utility Infrastructure.
THIS video explains what CSA S250 is, the factors that drove the need to create the standard, who will use it; and, the impact it will have.
(français ci-dessous)
Uncontrolled excavation, or undertaking a digging project without knowing the location of underground infrastructure (such as natural gas service lines, oil pipelines, electricity wires, and telecommunications wires) is the most frequent cause of damage to buried infrastructure. To minimize damages and ensure the highest level of productivity and public, worker, and community safety, the Canadian Common Ground Alliance (CCGA) argues that damage prevention legislation must be nationally consistent. The CCGA White Paper, Damage Prevention Legislation Elements Required for Canada, articulates a series of principles and specific elements for effective legislation that, along with other key elements like improved communication and the development of safe excavation best practices, would result in greater protection of underground infrastructure, and community safety.
Please click HERE for the News Release.
For more information, please contact Mike Sullivan
L’identification, la localisation et le marquage de l’emplacement des infrastructures souterraines sont indispensables avant de commencer l’excavation peu importe s’il s’agit de travaux routiers, de construction résidentielle ou commerciale ou encore d'un projet résidentiel tel que la construction d'une clôture ou d’une terrasse. Le Canadian Common Ground Alliance soutient que l’adoption d’une législation et d'une réglementation efficaces et cohérentes au Canada améliorerait grandement les pratiques en matière d’excavation ainsi que la protection des grands réseaux canadiens d'infrastructures.
Des exigences et une législation claires et cohérentes, telles que décrites dans le livre blanc du CCGA, réduiraient les dommages et augmenteraient la productivité des chantiers de construction, mais amélioreraient surtout la sécurité des travailleurs, du public et de la communauté.
S'il vous plaît cliquer ICI pour le communiqué.
Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez contacter Mike Sullivan
MPP for Sarnia-Lambton, Bob Bailey, issued this Press Release yesterday.
The CCGA wishes to recognize MPP Bailey for his leadership and collaborative work with the ORCGA and its safety partners in helping achieve this necessary goal!
"This is a giant leap forward for damage prevention in Canada", says CCGA Chair and President of Alberta One-Call, Mike Sullivan. "It sets the bar for the rest of the country and provides us with a virtual roadmap to reach the same destination."
The CCGA applauds the Ontario Regional Common Ground Alliance on its efforts to pass Bill 8 - Mandatory One-Call for Ontario. As reported by Enbridge Gas Distribution, all three political parties in Ontario worked together to achieve this important goal.
One Call systems exist in the provinces of Québec, Ontario, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia and in the City of Saint John, New Brunswick. Ontario's new legislation will lead to the implementation of a single 'One Call' system in the province making it easier for Ontarians to find out the location of underground infrastructure before they dig. Membership in the existing system is voluntary, and at times, Ontarians were required to make up to 13 separate calls to obtain this important information. All too often, this confusing process led to people digging without contacting local utilities for the location of underground wires, cables and pipes, a scenario that could be extremely dangerous or even deadly.
Although some regulators of buried utilities require their regulated companies to belong to a provincial One-Call system, membership in One-Call systems across Canada is largely voluntary. Realizing a One Call System serving every province in Canada and Mandatory One-Call legislation are two of the CCGA's goals and it is hoped that Ontario's success will lead other provinces to follow the same path.
Please click HERE for more details.
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